Fundamental to the integrity of any life raft is the material with which it is constructed and the quality of construction, so it is not surprising that the new ISO 9560 standard addresses material tear-test and breaking strength. These same material specs are adopted by the new ISAF standard.
Modern inflatable life rafts are made of tough nylon fabrics that have been coated or “calendared” with natural or synthetic rubber to make them air tight. The tear strength of the material and seams are engineered to withstand impact loads associated with breaking seas and abrasion from curious sea creatures. The trade-off between weight and rugged reliability is a tough balancing act and good engineering is essential.
For more information on how to select the right life raft, puchase and download Practical Sailor’s ebook, Survival at Sea, Volume 1: Life Rafts today!
To read more about how to best prepare for an emergency on the water, purchase the entire Survival at Sea ebook series from Practical Sailor. Four volumes in all – Life Rafts, Ditch Bags, Onboard Medical Kits, and Survival Electronics. Buy all four for the price of three!
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