Transom Design Through the Ages

Wide transom designs aren't new, but they are newly popular. While some might think them less stylish, wider designs do have their advantages.

An elegant swim platform is a helpful feature for warmer waters. The Hanse 360's folding swim step automatically lowers and raises. (Photo courtesy of Hanse Yachts)
An elegant swim platform is a helpful feature for warmer waters. The Hanse 360's folding swim step automatically lowers and raises. (Photo courtesy of Hanse Yachts)

If you pay even the slightest attention to the shape of the sailboats on the water, in marinas, or at boat shows, you are sure to have noticed that transoms are getting wider. much wider. To illustrate this, I compared the outlines of three models from the respected German builder HanseYachts AG.

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Grahame Shannon
Designer of more than 100 yachts, mostly sail, including the popular Walker Bay 8. Author of mystery adventure novels. Racing and cruising skipper, including single handed racing, at the Tiddly Cove Yacht Club. Developed one the first Windows based 3D CAD system for boat design, Autoship. Married to a wonderful woman, two children, and first grandchild coming soon.