I am the new Librarian at the Landing School of Boatbuilding and design
The school is non-profit secondary eductional institution with 55 to 80 students per year
Our last copy of ‘Practical Sailor was Nov, 2017. #840917005430#
I would like to receive multiple copies {~20} Please advise if this is possible Gratis
Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...
I am the new Librarian at the Landing School of Boatbuilding and design
The school is non-profit secondary eductional institution with 55 to 80 students per year
Our last copy of ‘Practical Sailor was Nov, 2017. #840917005430#
I would like to receive multiple copies {~20} Please advise if this is possible Gratis