Download The Full November 2021 Issue PDF

  • Gear of the Year
  • Sticky Stuff
  • Wood Finishes
  • Non-skid Follow-up
  • Non-skid Tips
  • Fixing Pipe Threads
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  1. I am a fully paid up subscriber, can’t seem to download any of the recent issues, never had any problems before but it just keeps going around in circles, ie; I press the “download the latest issue” which is November & it just keeps returning to the same page & not downloading, there’s nothing wrong with the computer as I can download anything else. Please advise me how to correct this issue…

    Steve Smith

  2. Why can’t I download the last couple of issues??????
    It just goes round in circles. It tell me to log in when i am already logged in, the when I log in again & try to download it does the same thing!!!!

  3. I’m really sorry, you are having problems downloading. We are working to make this easier. I’ve forwarded all your comments to subscriber services and they should reach out shortly to help troubleshoot.
    You can contact them directly at [email protected]. If you are having trouble, it often means:
    1) You are trying to download on a phone and did not scroll down to the part that asks “Already Subscribed? Click Here to Sign In”
    2) If you click there, enter your presumed log-in info and it says no log-in on file, you might be logging in using another address than the one we have on file for subscription. For example, you may be entering a previous address (a business email?) that you used for a free product, but not the one that you use for your paid subscription.
    2) . . . or your paid subscription has expired.
    3) . . . or you thought you were subscribed to the magazine and instead are subscribed only to Waypoints, or our other free newsletters.
    4) or . . . you have forgotten your password, in which case you should be able to reset it by providing your email, and following the instructions you get in your email.


    The U.S. Postal Service has temporarily suspended mail service to Australia. We are unable to mail issues or products to Australian customers. This may cause problems for Australian customers trying to access digital issues. If you are a paid subscriber and are unable to access your issues after logging in, please contact customer service so we can update your record and re-activate your subscription. Thank you.

    Here are other common problems.

    You can also use this online form to contact customer service.
    For editorial department questions, reach out to me [email protected]

    I’m sorry about this problem and we’ll make sure you get the November issue ASAP.