DIY Salon Refit: 1979 Fast Passage 39

If you are on a tight budget and need a salon refit, learn from these cruisers' mistakes and triumphs to inspire your own DIY plans.

With $1,500 and 250 hours over the course of two years, two DIYers refit a previously dismal, grey salon into a bright, functional space. (Photo/ Jaclyn Jeffrey)
With $1,500 and 250 hours over the course of two years, two DIYers refit a previously dismal, grey salon into a bright, functional space. (Photo/ Jaclyn Jeffrey)

"Interesting, functional and downright ugly," were a few words people used when I mentioned the boat my husband and I had on Vancouver Island in fall of 2021. Many people were interested in the well-appointed cruiser, but after catching a glimpse of the interior, they ran at breakneck speed away down the docks.

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Jaclyn Jeffrey
Jaclyn Jeffrey didn't grow up sailing but took it up on a whim during the pandemic. She and her husband bought a boat to learn to sail on, then promptly bought a second and decided to go cruising. After living aboard in the chilly Pacific Northwest for two years, she's cruising Mexico with her husband and dog onboard their 1979 Fast Passage 39, Raicilla. When not sailing and surfing, she works as a freelance writer or on the endless boat projects that come with full-time cruising.