Where Credit Is Due: Citimarine Air Conditioner Customer Service

Due to pandemic supply chain issues, this sailor replaced a Dometic AC unit with a drop-in alternative from Citimarine. Even though the first Citimarine unit failed, their excellent customer service pros organized the replacement and install—the unit and has worked flawlessly since then.

16,000 BTU Citimarine AC unit installed to replace a Dometic unit. Dometic did not have a replacement available due to supply-chain issues as a result of the pandemic. (Photo/ Phil Decker)
16,000 BTU Citimarine AC unit installed to replace a Dometic unit. Dometic did not have a replacement available due to supply-chain issues as a result of the pandemic. (Photo/ Phil Decker)

I first became aware of Citimarine when the old 16,000 BTU Dometic air conditioner on my 1998 Catalina 380 failed during the pandemic. Air conditioning here in south Florida is necessity, not a luxury. Dometic did not have any replacements available anywhere due to supply chain issues. However, I found Citimarine by searching for marine air conditioners on the web. Citimarine sells drop-in replacements for Dometic self-contained units at a competitive price, and had them in stock for $1,900 plus tax. I purchased one for $1,900 plus tax right away and had my own technician install it for $1,030 in labor.

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Phillip Decker
Phil Decker is a licensed professional engineer and practicing patent attorney. He and his wife have lived on their Catalina 380 Catmandu for five years. Phil has sailed from the mid-coast of Maine to Key West, Florida, and will be sailing to the Bahamas in 2025.