Vendée Globe Technology for the Everest of the Seas

Charlie Dalin, on a foiling IMOCA 60, wins the 2024-2025 Vendée Globe solo, around the world race. Learn about the sophisticated tech aboard.

LORIENT, FRANCE - OCTOBER 7, 2024 : MACIF Santé Prévoyance skipper Charlie Dalin (FRA) is pictured training on October 7, 2024 in Lorient, France - (Photo/ Ronan Gladu / Disobey / Macif)
LORIENT, FRANCE - OCTOBER 7, 2024 : MACIF Santé Prévoyance skipper Charlie Dalin (FRA) is pictured training on October 7, 2024 in Lorient, France - (Photo/ Ronan Gladu / Disobey / Macif)

On 14 January, Charlie Dalin crossed the finish line of the Vendée Globe 2024-25 race on MACIF Santé Prévoyance, with a record-setting time of 64 days.

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Dhanya Pilo is an Intrepid sailor & Film-maker generally based in Mumbai, India unless she is out sailing, exploring the various water bodies on Planet Earth. She realised during the 2019 lockdown that sailing is an everyday adventure/learning and we need to share those incredible moments with those not yet enchanted by sail life. So, she has been collecting short stories from various sailors around the world for her book titled "Tell Tales". Recently, she was part of Team Maiden that won the Ocean Globe Race 23-24.


  1. Great article! It’s a pleasure to see PS adding to its long-time focus on reviews to other topics of interest to sailors, and have the articles and photographs go into enough depth to answer the questions that come up when hearing about, say, the Vendee Globe. This is the best article I’ve read about the VG. Thanks!