Darrell Nicholson
Do they check your boat when you go back to America?
They do, I said, though I had no idea if anyone did. And I think the Cuban customs officials bring dogs on board, before we leave, to make sure no one is hiding on the boat. I didnt know this either. Something in a cruising guide Id read. Probably out of date.
It was late. We were standing under a dim yellow streetlamp at Marina Hemingway, where Lost Boys, the 42-foot Endeavour wed sailed from Sarasota, Florida, was spending its last night in Cuba before sailing back home. The boat was squared away. Only the goodbyes were left.
Julio, a 28-year-old father of two, leaned against the hood of his car, a tired blue Lada idling diesel exhaust into the hot night. He pointed toward Lost Boys and the dark sea and sky beyond.
I can swim. Ill meet you off the coast.
I pretended I didnt understand. In 10 years of cruising, calling on ports with living conditions far worse than those in Havana, no one had ever asked if they could stow away on my boat. I put my hands in my pockets. I didnt know how to respond.
You can pick me up in the water, and when you get to Cayo Hueso, you can just leave me near the beach, I can swim from there.
Cayo Hueso?
Key West.
I felt a tightness in my throat. I couldnt tell if it was desperation or simply a desire for a better life that drove my new friend to want to take such a risk-I supposed it was a little of both.
I tried to tell him how things were changing in Cuba. I explained that a young man like him, full of energy and ambition, would surely find success as the Cuban economy improved. I believed it. Julio had been our man in Havana. He and his partner Enrique cheerfully drove us around the old city, slipping us in the back door at the Buena Vista Social Club, dropping us to El Morro just after sunset to hear the canons fire, laughing out loud when I mentioned that the Russian Embassy resembled a giant watchman.
Its not so easy in America, I told him. We have plenty of problems, too.
He looked offended, like Id mistaken him for a child who knew nothing of the Shangri La that lied across the Florida Straits. Oh no. I need to get to America, he said. If I can get to America, I know I will make some good.
There were no dogs at customs. Just two bored soldiers, just kids, from Vinales in rumpled fatigues. When Lost Boys cleared the sea buoy, I looked back toward the marina and thought I spotted Julios blue Lada parked near the marina breakwater. I imagined him and Enrique leaning against the cars front bumper with the sun on their backs, two young Cubans staring across the Gulf Stream toward their magical America.
I pointed the bow north and switched on the autopilot. In an hour the only sign of Cuba was gray smoke from an oil refinery. A brisk easterly filled the main. It was still early, and the distance we had to sail wasnt so far. I realized that if Lost Boys could keep up this speed, we might catch a glimpse of Cayo Hueso before it became too dark.
About halfway across the Strait, when we were in the middle of the Gulf Stream, my eyes began to play tricks. The sea reflected an impossible blue as if in competition with the sky, and no matter how much I squinted, I could find no line between the two. When I fnally discovered the horizon, broken by the fuzzy shape of a distant ship, I was struck by the notion that of all the reasons to sail, the wonder that it works on perspective is the one I cherish most.