

In BoatSense, veteran sailor and writer Doug Logan sets down a rare commonsense approach to boating and boat ownership, with observations and advice from a lifetime around a wide variety of boats. Many readers of sailing magazines and major boating websites will be familiar with his warm and humorous writing style; BoatSense is a collection of some of his best on-the-water wisdom, anecdotes, and practical advice, seasoned with reverence for the life lessons that boating can bring.

In the voice of a deeply knowledgeable friend, Doug describes the thoughts of an experienced boat operator heading out into open water, like a cop on the beat — monitoring gauges, weather, boat traffic, and the welfare of the crew. He addresses the habits of seamanship needed to safely and happily operate any small boat, power or sail. As someone with many years of gear-testing experience, Doug has strong opinions on must-have equipment and things that should stay ashore. He favors simplicity and the practices of seamanship over too much technology and “labor-saving” devices. A strong proponent of GPS-based navigation, he also explains why a well-adjusted compass and traditional piloting skills are just as important.

More than providing how-to boating advice, Doug describes the skills and sensibilities that a life around boats can help develop―things like self-reliance, adaptability, a sense of balance between daring and humility, and an appreciation of our place in the grand scheme. His BoatSense collection establishes a poetic reverence for the life in a small boat on the water.

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