Anchoring 4: Anchor Rode Accessories


You pull up anchor, cast off from your mooring or dock and you set sail on another voyage. And with each trip, you’re able to take a look at your lines, your hardware, your anchor, and see how things are holding up. But do you know exactly what to look for? Where problems are likely to occur? Where your weakest link might be?

Introducing Anchor Rode Accessories, from Practical Sailor. This downloadable ebook is the fourth volume in Practical Sailor‘s Anchor series. In Anchor Rode Accessories, you’ll find the best solutions to protecting your dock lines and anchor rodes, guidance on the right snubber for your boat and anchorage, top knots for connecting to chain, tips for inspecting your hardware and more.

  • Dockline chafe protection
  • Anchor snubbers
  • Heavy-duty chain hooks
  • Anchor shackles
  • Anchor swivels
  • Windlasses – large and small

Anchor Rode Accessories examines and reviews all of the components needed to properly secure your boat. From small swivels to heavy-weight windlasses, no part is inconsequential. Get your copy of Anchor Rode Accessories so you know what to buy, how to use it and how to keep it working.

*Please note: This is a downloadable E-book.


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