Download The Full June 2024 Issue PDF

  • Bootstripe Perfection
  • The DIY Bootstripe Jig
  • Origo Stove Reborn?
  • Alcohol Stove Sense
  • Burning Issues
  • Penetrating Epoxies
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  1. I still can’t download the new issue. I reached out to customer service for assistance. I was provided a new log in and password from the rep which still does not work. My subscription expires in 2 days. I have stopped the auto renewal due to these issues. I have subscribed to PS for 4 years now at least. You need to get these issues fixed before launching new platforms. As a side note, not having a hard copy of the magazine was already off-putting.

    • You have two accounts on file, with two different email addresses. One account is expired; the other is active. Perhaps you are logging in with the wrong email address. I suggest trying your other email address. I am not sharing your email addresses here in respect for your privacy. If you continue to have difficulties, please email customer service.

  2. Congratulations! You have an outstanding sales prevention department.
    Online payment system is unfriendly and unnecessarily complicated.
    Did you beta test your system before paying your software vendor in full?
    BTW, many of us like to read a hard copy and get away from eye straining screens.

    • Your subscription expires with the June 2024 issue. On May 28, we attempted to process your renewal for the next year’s subscription but the order failed. We then suspended your subscription in error, one month too early. It should be stopped end of June, not end of May. We are fixing this. Apologies.

  3. I’m a long time subscriber – more decades than I can remember. My user name has changed over time, along with changing boats. Publication very helpful for sailors of all ages and experience.
    I can access just fine, using Firefox on Mac OS. But I much prefer reading hard copy, rather than on line. On line is nice for searching, and keeping issues on my computer. So that is nice when cruising. But hard copy is so much nicer to read. I’ll likely just download the pdf, then print out hard copy to have on hand, and read.
    Good luck to others having a hard time logging on.
    Fair Winds,

    • Exactly how I feel. Been a subscriber for over 30 years. I like to be able to search on-line but I REALLY hate having to log on to read articles. I understand the costs of printing and mailing a monthly issue of Practical Sailor, but its mush less useful publication now. Now PS is saving costs, but did the annual subscription go down ??? I might be out sailing or anchored out and want to read a hard copy while enjoying my time on the boat. I cant read on my PC in the bright sunlight very well and hate sitting outside with my PC and hate reading the articles on a small smart phone. All I can say is this is a change for the worse. I might have to cancel my membership, which is by far the longest subscription I have ever had.

  4. I whole heartedly agree with shawnee.ip380! I am extremely unhappy that this publication is no longer available in print. I have been keeping the hard copy for years and refer back to them frequently. I, too, will have to print them out. Not happy!!

  5. Spot On!! It’s a very confusing process. Hopefully, the company will smooth out the process. I treasure my monthly mailed issues. The digital world may suffer a host of good will, especially with the onset of AI. Thumbs UP Bernard Lawson

  6. Practical Sailor has a tradition of almost incomprehensible website. Beta testing needs to be done with an average subscriber (old guy) at the keyboard and a tech guy making the site friendly. just my opinion..
    meanwhile, why is it when I download an article as a PDF, the right two or three words on the right margin are cut off in the reproduction.??

  7. Wow. I agree with most of these other subscribers. Get your act together. And how about the person who brought up your savings by not printing a paper copy for us. Will you now have enough $ to buy Swan? I would much rather have paper. I don’t have a “smart” phone. I hope my newest “flip” phone doesn’t do the same as my three previous ones did (jump overboard) but if it does at least they are cheap to replace. Do you guys ever leave your phones at home, or must you be “connected” 24/7 like your grand kids? Really sincerely.

  8. I sure wish I had known about this switch to digital before I renewed for three years. I would never have done so. I called six months ago to report that I had not received my Dec-Jan issue, ad when that never showed up it should have been a warning that the ship was sinking. I hate trying to get onto the site, and hate having to download the article on my iPad.

  9. Like others, I’m not sure about the switch to all digital. I’ve been a subscriber since 1983, and have read every issue since then. I was happy when the web site supported searching through back issues, because it made things quite simple when I wanted to find something I had read in the past.

    To help win over those of us who prefer paper you can give us something extra in the form of active links. Your publication commonly contain active links to web sites, but not to back articles of Practical Sailor itself. Please consider making them active links as well, wherever they occur in your publication.