
Not Your Mom’s Kitchen

"Tell me what you eat and I shall tell you what you are." That was the gastronome Brillat-Savarin, and his phrase eventually morphed into...

Chandlery: 02/01/03

Serious WheelsThe challenge of getting a dinghy from one place to another over land has been met, with varying degrees of success, by rollers,...

JHRG Supreme Protector Gear

About a year ago (how times flies) a PS reader named Dan Nathan e-mailed to offer some ideas about chafe guards, and we...

Sea Stories

Here's a theory of existence: When you go Aloft, they check you for stories. They want to know what you've tried, noticed, and learned...

Gear of the Year:Top 10 Products of 2002

In this December issue, as usual, we present a short list of products that made an unusually strong positive impression on staff and contributors...

The Tao, the Hs&#252, Whatever

It's possible to forget why you sail -especially, believe it or not, if you deal with sailing for a living. I've managed to forget...

Sailor Soap

Lynn Dellapasta, president of Gabriel Skin Care Distributors, went sailing with her brother in Florida, and was surprised to learn that saltwater sailors typically...

Cockpit Seats

Ever a mystery is why most places to sit on a boat appear to have been designed by disciples of Frank Lloyd Wright. America's...

Seat of Power

Welp, that's 4,000 miles on the exercise bike that I hooked to an alternator because I got tired of wasting so much food...

Time Check

The other day I was driving along I-95 just west of New Haven (on a stretch once described to me by a long-haul trucker...

HOW TO BUY A CHEAP SAILBOAT – $20,000 or less!

Buying a sailboat on a budget of $20,000 is easy! Today we’re looking at a Pearson 31, a Hunter 31, a Bristol 29.9, and...

Latest Sailboat Review

Catalina 34 Used Boat Review

American sailboat manufacturers have had their highs and lows, and many have dropped right off the map. But Catalina has been going strong for...