
Heating Systems – Tip #3

Have you ever stopped and thought about how many boat heating options there are? It can be over-whelming even for the most experienced technical...

Keel maintenance – Tip #1

Often seemingly minor problems on boats are indicators of more serious problems that, if not addressed early, will lead to bigger headaches and more...

Life Raft – Tip #1

Life raft location is a challenging question to answer. A strong, fit person may be able to heft and heave a life raft of...

Life Raft – Tip #2

Once the life raft is launched and inflated, it can be brought alongside a sinking vessel for the crew to transfer directly into the...

Life Raft – Tip #3

A good life raft not only prolongs your ability to survive, but also adds to your chance of being rescued. Despite the fact that...

Life Raft – Tip #4

Fundamental to the integrity of any life raft is the material with which it is constructed and the quality of construction, so it is...

Lightning Protection – Tip #1

Getting the Charge out of LightningMost boat owners have only the vaguest idea of what is involved in protecting their boats from lightning damage....

Lightning Protection – Tip #2

Most boat owners have only the vaguest idea of what is involved in protecting their boats from lightning damage. Many believe that their boats...

Magnetic Field – Tip #1

Unsettling to contemplate, the flow of electrons that constitutes electric current also creates a magnetic field. An onboard magnetic field that is strong enough...

Marine Toilets – Tip #1

Once considered a frivolous luxury for larger sail boats and motoryachts, the new breed of electric heads are generally more compact, more reliable, and...

Sailing Couple, Woman Falls Overboard, Murder Charges

A sailboat disaster of a different sort for a young couple who set off on their honeymoon from Sint Maarten aboard a Fountaine Pajot...

Latest Sailboat Review

Ranger 33 Used Boat Review

The Ranger Yacht division of Jensen Marine was created in 1969 to build performance-oriented boats designed by Gary Mull. Jensen’s Cal division had been...