
Composting Head Disposal Options

We wouldn’t describe ourselves as huge fans of composting/desiccation heads (see “Dissecting the Desiccating Head,” PS July 2021). We’re not encouraging people to rip out what...

Yes, We Are Talking About Boat Bidets

Once again we broach a sanitation topic that folks would rather not talk about, and once again we’ve been surprised by the answers we...

Dissecting the Desiccating Head

Our first cruising boat had a conventional portable toilet. We didn’t like it, but we made peace with it, cruising for up to two...

DIY Desiccating Head Options

No standard dry toilet, even the CHead Shorty, would fit the available space on our Corsair F-24, so we decided to build our own....

Mailport: fuel tanks, chain hooks, bilge pumps, and hypothermia

Fuel Tank Wisdom Simple tank fill advice from an old fuel oil delivery guy - when filling your boat diesel tank listen to the sound...

Mailport: Marelon Seacocks

Regarding your recent report on Seacocks (Beneteau Responds to Seacock Query, PS August 2018) I owned a 1987 Catalina 30, Mark II. It had...

Controlling Porta Potty Odor

We were kind of hoping to never revisit the whole holding tank/hoses/chemical topic again. Several memorable years were spent playing with iguana poo, researching...

Cure for Holding Tank Clog

Any suggestions about what to do with a clogged holding tank? I've isolated the clog to between the base of the tank and the...

Pump Out Attention Extends to the Head

Although head maintenance is low on everyone's fun task list, working on functioning head that has been flushed clean (flush with lots of clean...

Caring for Seacocks

Considering the excitement a failed seacock can generate, the lack of attention they typically receive is almost criminal. Tucked away in the dim recesses...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...