Wet-Cell 12-Volt Battery Test
We last looked at batteries in our October 15, 2000 issue, when we reported the results of a test of the AGM (absorbed...
King of Koolers?
We've published quite a few words in recent months on refrigeration, fridge-free foods, and thermoelectric coolers. In the midst of these efforts we received,...
PS Advisor: 08/15/03
Solar Panel PowerYour review of solar panels left me with some "solar panels for dummies" type questions. For trickle-charging a battery, how do you...
Strippers and Crimpers
No matter how large or small your onboard tool box, no matter how many wrenches, pliers, hammers, and putty knives you have cleverly packed...
Bio-Diesel: Nice Fuel if You Can Find It
I have heard it suggested that we use soy oil for diesel engines. I have a 3-cylinder Universal diesel and was wondering if you...
Freshwater Pumps
At the heart of freshwater systems aboard boats are 12V pumps. Sometimes they're 24V, but that generally means you have a boat big enough...
Fridge-Free Food Follow-Up
Three months ago, in the March 2003 issue, we did an article about foods that need no refrigeration. It was uncharacteristic of the magazine,...
Thermoelectric Coolers: Four-Model Chilldown
The last time we tested thermoelectric coolers, back in December of 1996, we spent a fair amount of space describing the history and science...
Solar Panel Survey 2003
For measuring satisfaction, we asked for actual solar panel performance and longevity versus manufacturer claims. These scores were measured on the basis of 0...
Small Four-Stroke Outboards
As most of us know by now, 4-stroke engines are cleaner, quieter, and more fuel-efficient than their two-stroke cousins. A 4-stroke is like...