PS Bench Tests BilgeKleen Filter
There are two primary reasons why U.S. boat owners are required by law to display the familiar “Discharge of Oil Prohibited” placards aboard. For...
Holding Tank Test Followup
We recently tested an updated version of the SeaLand 20 HTS-VRT holding tank reviewed in our November 2011 test, which also featured the Trionic...
Finding Good Hose Clamps
In the December 2011 article, “Maintaining Stainless Steel,” you mention that there are hose-clamp makers that get the stainless-steel combination right, but never shared...
Holding Tanks: Getting the Stink Out
ConclusionsIf the holding tank vent on your boat is in a particularly sensitive location, vent filters offer complete odor control at a cost competitive...
Test Setup Simulates Onboard Sewage System
To create a real-world test, we assembled a series of miniature holding tanks containing sanitary waste generously supplied by a 20-pound, 5-foot pet iguana...
Avoid Plugging with Proper Vent Installation
DIY Pressure ControlWere testing a more robust installation, including a bypass through a water-filled trap. Excess sewage can go through this low-mounted bypass, while...
On a Side Note: Holding Tanks
Although none of the test tanks or the test boat’s holding tank accumulated solids sufficient to restrict pump-out, we observed significant differences. While vent...
Ziggy the Iguana Puts Odor Control to the Test
For a real-world test, we created a series of small but real-world holding tanks containing real sanitary waste. The sanitary waste was supplied by...
Real-world Advice from Holding Tank Makers
Before beginning a series of tests, we always involve the manufacturers. They have a wealth of information they are happy to share, in the...
Marine Holding Tanks Go Head-to-Head
In our 2002 test of four popular holding tanks, the unit from SeaLand floated to the top of the group to earn a Best...