Mailport: Water Lift Muffler, Drogues, Hunter 30, and More!
Water Lift MufflerI read the letter regarding a do-it-yourself (DIY) water-lift muffler project (PS February 2016) with great interest. Many years ago, the original...
Calypso Wind Reader
Wireless wind sensors offer many advantages for the sailor. In recent years, weve tested Raymarines Tacktick, the Nexus Gwind, and the Sailtimer. (See PS...
Determining a Fuel-efficient Engine RPM
My boat is a Hans Christian 41T, with a waterline length of 36 feet and a displacement of 38,000 pounds. The engine is a...
A Smart, Easy Way to Rewire
Running the wires for new electronics requires your best cursing vocabulary, lots of sweat, twisting body contortions, luck, and the occasional bandage. For tips...
Hose Fitting Tips
Pulling hoses is generally low on the fun list. They are in bad places, jammed onto crusty hose-fitting barbs, and have stiffened over the...
Long-term Test Gear Updates
Many of Practical Sailors tests move from the lab (workshop/garage/driveway) to our fleet of test boats, where we can evaluate the top products in...
New Options in Small Outboards
Propulsion has long been lingering high on the list of priorities for our trailerable test boat, the Catalina 22 Lil Spitfire. Our first instinct...
West Marine Oil Changer
Changing the oil in a car is easy. On a boat, the engine is generally buried in the bilge and draining is awkward or...
Playing it Safe with LPG Heat
Unlike many sailors, Practical Sailor contributor Drew Fryes version of sailing occurs in any weather where the water isn't frozen. So when his family...
Taking the Spill Out of Fill-ups
Fueling a boat has never been as easy as fueling a car. Spills-exacerbated by poorly designed fill pipes and vents-are common. The U.S. Environmental...