Stowing Inner Forestays
In the October 1, 1997 issue, we published a letter from Houston Car of West Bath, Maine, in which he asked how best to...
PS Advior 05/01/98
Rerigging QuestionI enjoyed your December 1997 article on replacing wire halyards with all rope. When I considered it a few years ago, my rigger...
Mast Steps: No Perfect Design
In this report, first published in 1998, we discuss various designs of mast steps for climbing, or for assisted climbing. Here is a link...
Standing Rigging: How Tight Is Right?
Standing rigging tension is a peculiarly under-addressed subject. Easy to see how it would worry a new boat owner or someone going to sea....
Going Up the Mast Alone
A certain appeal of sailing is its seeming limitlessness. One can spend a lifetime perfecting navigation skills. Remember Marvin Creamer, who circumnavigated by the...
Offshore Log: Up the Mast, One at a Time
Many PS readers undoubtedly found our articles on going aloft alone (July 1, 1998 and August 15, 1998) a little esoteric, but for the...
PS Advisor 01/01/99
Cutting Rope Can Be ToughBeing retired comfortably enough to indulge in some enjoyable and expensive foolishness, weve bought a big old yawl in magnificent...
A Busted Mast Step and a Popped Shackle
Shortly after we published the July 1, 1998 article on mast steps, reader Jim Lyons mailed off a little box. He lives in...
PS Advisor 01/15/99
Adding a StaysailCan you advise where I can find basic design parameters for adding an inner forestay to my 40-footer? Jim FitzgeraldHollywood, FloridaAdding an...
Whence Thou Comest, Highfield?
Because increasing numbers of serious sailors have become interested in retrofitting inner forestays for heavy weather headsails, a look at quick-detach hardware is in...