PS Advisor: 05/01/04

Sailplan Balancing ActYour February 1 editorial on the benefits of small, self-tending headsails is thought-provoking. As I enter my golden years, I like the...

Headsail Roller Furlers

Headsail furlers, once a novelty scorned by "real" sailors, are everywhere nowadays. The reasons for their widespread use boil down to two advantages: the...

Plea-Free Tacking

I wonder how many people have given up sailing because of the effort it takes to tack a genoa shorthanded. Aside from hitting hard...

Sailmakers’ Advice and Prices

For this second article, we asked all our interview subjects to price out a suit of sails (mainsail and 150-percent furling headsail) for...

PS Advisor: 10/01/03

Riding Sails Ive read several articles about the benefits of riding sails while atanchor, on a mooring, even during hurricanes.What size is right so...

Market Scan: Sails and Sailmakers

Trying to pin down the technology, trade names, and jargon that define contemporary sailmaking is more than daunting—but it must be done once in...

PS Advisor: 07/15/03

Storm Jib ProvenanceA barely used, but well constructed, Haarstick storm jib was included with our recently purchased Tartan 34. The clew grommet seems undersized-...

High-Tech Rope Shackles

For some time, it has been our view that, as a stand-in for a standard 10-inch steel I-beam 50 feet long and weighing 1,720...

Offshore Log: The Reefing Staysail

One lesson we learned during our circumnavigation was the danger of the dogmatic approach to almost anything, from the choice of a boat to...

Emergency Rigging Cutters

Dismasting is right up there among a sailor's worst nightmares. When a mast comes down at sea, no matter how or why, there's tremendous...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...