Seldén’s In-Mast Furling System
Should the continuous control line become fouled, there is a direct-drive apparatus affixed to the back of the spar just below the...
Seldén’s In-Mast Furling System
Should the continuous control line become fouled, there is a direct-drive apparatus affixed to the back of the spar just below the...
Chainplates Revisited
His comment brings to mind a common alternative to the chainplate bulkhead arrangement, which is the construction of a knee (envision an upside-down...
Mainsail Track Hardware
Sailmakers are familiar with the half dozen manufacturers of in-boom furlers, all of which remain very expensive. Aaron Jasper, told us: "They are fussy...
PS Advisor: 12/04
Leaving Your Mast Stepped?Every year when I go to haul my boat I face a certain dilemma. Should I keep my mast in place,...
Scully Rig
Sailors, by inclination, tend to be inventive. If there's a problem to be resolved, we often address it by whatever means available—an approach we...
Snuffer Test
CostsATN sells its sleeves by the foot—$10 per foot for sleeves up to 55' in length, or $470 for the one we tested. In...
Mailport: 08/15/04
Longer Winch HandlesYour review of winch handles (April 15) reminded me of one of the unsolved mysteries of the sea: Why are winch handles...
Furlers: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
By almost any measure, roller furling units have evolved to become nearly ubiquitous in our pastime. And, as we wrote in our Feb. 1,...
PS Advisor: 08/01/04
Rigging TerminalsHas Practical Sailor conducted a study of swaged terminals vs. screw-on terminals? I've heard opinions recently that the screw-on ones are preferable because...