Navigation Lights: Hella and Aqua Signal Shine Brightest
We had noted that the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), in their specs for the Intensity/Nominal Voltage Test for nav lights, ...
A Tale of Two Anchors
It was October, but the water was still warm enough for swimming, so one of us went overboard with a mask, set the anchor...
Emergency Rigging Cutters
Dismasting is right up there among a sailor's worst nightmares. When a mast comes down at sea, no matter how or why, there's tremendous...
Multi-Tools: Leatherman Wave Covers the Waterfront
Following the theme of our knife-test article of June 2000, we decided to look at multi-tools, highly portable gadgets that incorporate up to well...
In-Boom Furling: Five Systems
Our last good look at in-boom furling systems was in the August 1, 1998 issue, when we liked both ProFurl and Leisure Furl, giving...
Webbing: Match Quality to Usage
]It began with a question from a Chicago reader, Carl Beyer, who said he's currently cruising in the West Indies: "On anything more than...
High-Tech Rope Test
The Knot really isn't something that should make rope run screaming from the deck. The knot is something we're used to. It's a good...
Market Scan: Running Rigging
Do you occasionally contemplate replacing the frayed, stiff, dirty running rigging on your boat with some of the beautiful new stuff that hangs in...
Tiger Too Preventer
Toby Ritter of Mamaroneck, NY, has a nice preventer rig aboard his Sparkman & Stephens center-cockpit 48-footer, Tiger Too. He sent us the following...
Boat Ladder for Inflatables
Ladders for use around and aboard the boat? For docks and rafts, hook-on-the-rail models, stern mounts, folding, extending, the new center bar sport ladders…there...