Design For: Winch Handles
Making spare winch handles is a simple job for a competent metal worker. This I discovered because our Norlin designed Scampi, Windhover, has eight...
The Multifarious Mainsheet
The mainsail is a big part of the motive power of almost every sailboat. The art of mainsail control, however, is a relatively modern...
Metal Chafe Plates: Functional Remedy for Scrapes and Scratches
What do you do when the pin in the leg of your folding cabin table digs up the cabin sole? What do you do...
Clear the Decks: Anchor Wells and Bow Rollers
Ever since some ancient mariner broke a toe tripping over the killick stowed in the bow of his curragh, sailors have sought to solve...
Taming the Wild Boom: Two Designs for a Gallows
A wildly flailing boom is one of the most dangerous objects aboard a sailboat. If you could completely control the boom at anchor and...
Design For: Stern Rail Mount Work Surface
For those who enjoy fishing or charcoal cooking, here's a design for a stern rail mount work surface useful for fish cleaning and meat...
A Homemade Tiller Tender
On my Catalina 22 I have a tiller tender which has served me well for many years — and it didn't cost a cent.On...
Wooden Anchor Chocks
Now you're ready to chisel out the !recesses. If you're an experienced 'wood butcher, you'll have your own procedures. If not, here are some...
Smooth Runnings: Bullet Blocks Battle
ConclusionBackground testing did show that undersizing a block makes the work harder to accomplish and will shorten the lifespan of the equipment used. When...
From the Bench to the Bath
With some modification to our bench-test jig, we were able to place two blocks in opposition to each other, attach them via a closed...