
Southerly 110

This picture is worth considerably more than a thousand words. It's the image of the Southerly 110 nearly high and dry, with it's bow...

Columbia 30

The Columbia 30 is being constructed and marketed by Columbia Yachts under the direction of Vince Valdes, son of Dick Valdes, who formed the...

Norseboat 17.5

Ordinarily, the boats we review in these pages require a substantial investment, something like remortgaging the house. But on occasion, we get around to...

Beneteau’s New 343

Chantiers Beneteau has been building its distinctive sailboats (along with Jeanneau, Wauquiez, and, now, a line of trawlers) for so long that it seemingly...

Hunter 38

Hunter Marine has a reputation as a builder of boats for sailors who favor creature comforts over performance. Some recent models from the company...

Seaward 26 RK

When Nick Hake, a graduate of the Milwaukee School of Engineering, decided that he'd had enough midwestern winters, he moved to Florida. Despite his...


A small blip on the radar screen of the U.S. sailing community, X-Yachts of Denmark celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2004 by totally revamping...

Centurion 40S

Wauquiez, the French boatbuilding firm, has existed on the fringes of the American sailing community for two decades, but throughout the majority of that...

Etap 37s

Unlike the bastions of this industry that were founded by sailors interested in manufacturing boats, Etap, the parent company of Etap Yatching, was formed...

Hunter 216

Notwithstanding the tragedy of 9/11 and subsequently tumultuous stock market, during the past 10 years boat manufacturers have enjoyed a goodly number of buyers...

Jeanneau Yachts 65 Full Tour and Review

Choosing between a monohull and catamaran was already hard, but Jeanneau just made it even harder. The new Jeanneau Yachts 65 is a monumental...

Latest Sailboat Review

Beneteau 40.7 Used Boat Review

Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...