Mailport: X-yachts, Soverel 33, tropical storms
Your report “Stowing Gear on Deck,” in the July 2022 issue had some good tips for line and miscellaneous storage on board....
Must New Owners Pay Old Yard Bills?
Unless the Purchase and Sale Agreement or the Acceptance of Vessel forms specify otherwise, the buyer is responsible for any work that is done...
Designing a Dump Line for the Multihull Mainsheet
One of the rewards of doing time in a boatyard like Salt Creek Marina, in St. Petersburg, FL where Opal and I have been...
Life Jackets for Active, Racing Sailors
Practical Sailor has long lamented the lack of imagination in the design of personal flotation devices (PFDs), and part of the reason for this...
Folding Oru Opens Horizons
No space to store a dinghy or hard kayak? Remember folding paper boats as a kid? The Oru folding kayak neatly solves the first...
Multihull Capsize Risk Check
In recent years we’ve seen a surge in interest in multihulls. Thirty years ago, when my experience with cruising multihulls began, nearly all of...
Tartan 33: Scheel Keel Pioneer
By the late 1970s, the old Tartan 34 had become very dated. The boat had been in production for a decade, and hundreds of...
Rhumb Lines: A Boat to Last a Lifetime
The news that Groupe Beneteau’s lone North American production facility in Marion, South Carolina was shutting down delivered a big blow to the sailing...
Measuring Performance
All sailors are performance oriented. It’s only when we delve into the details that differences arise. One-design racers know that their place in the...
Dealing with a Broken Idler Pulley on the High Seas
When I started cruising aboard a 26 foot, tiller steered sloop. I learned the value of simplicity. Fewer components meant that there was less...