Charley Morgan’s Lovely Legacy
Fifty-two years ago, a mongrel yawl named Brisote was launched on the waters of Tampa Bay, setting in motion a chain of events as...
Paste Waxes Test Six-month Checkup
How long do they last? In the February 2009 issue of Practical Sailor, we reviewed a sampling of 10 paste waxes that were available...
Practical Sailor Launches Long-term Liquid Boat Wax Test
In the February 2009 issue of Practical Sailor, we reviewed paste waxes, those harder compounds normally sold in cans or tubs. In our perennial...
Diesel Biocides Take On Contaminated Boat Fuel
Whenever sailors talk about dirty diesel, advice springs forth regarding the best type of filter, the best stabilizing additive for long-term storage, the best...
Do-It-Yourself Boatyards
The cost of buying, owning, and maintaining a sailboat has spiraled to an all-time high. The ranks of entry-level sailors, starting out in smaller...
PS Advisor: Boat Buyers on the Prowl
Every so often, I find myself boat shopping and turn to the reviews in "Practical Boat Buying." I’m looking for a trailerable, 20- to...
Hobie Mirage i12s Inflatable Kayak
Alright, we know what youre thinking: A pedal boat in Practical Sailor? Thats what we thought, too, when Hobie sent us the Mirage i12s...
Six-Month Checkup: Long-Term Boat Wood Finish Exposure Test
Do you ever wonder why its called "wood finish?" Youre never "finished" with it. Unfortunately, that rings true for most boat maintenance tasks. With...
Eco-friendly Boat Maintenance
In the May 2008 Practical Sailor, we looked at eco-friendly marine maintenance products for outside the hull-less toxic bottom paints, paint strippers, waterline stain...
Affordable Cruising Sailboats
In a search for a budget cruiser, Practical Sailor examined a field of used sailboats costing less than $75K and built between 1978 and...