Jeppesen and The Cap’n Top Picks For Electronic Charting
It wasnt very many years ago that the only tools a boater needed for navigation were a compass, some paper charts, a pair of...
Offshore Log: Paradise Lost
Events on small islands on the far side of the world have little impact on most Americans, but they can dramatically change the plans...
Offshore Log: Charting A Course
My youthful infatuation with maps has a lot to do with the fact that we are now aboard a sailboat almost halfway around the...
PS Advisor 09/01/00
Inflatable vs. Hard DinghyI have recently bought a nice, old 38' Shannon ketch, and she has dinghy davits. I have no dinghy, but am...
Sea Marshall Rescue Systems
The greatest fear of any sailor perhaps is the cry, “Man-overboard!” It’s not a common occurrence, but it can and does happen. Sometimes the...
Offshore Log: Waiting at the Panama Canal
Driven by strong northeasterlies, Calypso careened between the huge red and green daymarks on the ends of the east and west breakwaters guarding the...
Offshore Log: Alternator Breakdown
Because we have engine-driven refrigeration, our Perkins 4-108 must be run about 1.5 hours per day to maintain the contents of the freezer in...
Offshore Log: Across the Isthmus
In early February, the last gate at Miraflores Locks opened to complete Calypsos transit of the Panama Canal. We were in the Pacific at...
Offshore Log: Across the Pacific
The Pacific is a big, big ocean. After leaving Panama in mid-February, Calypso sailed just under 5,000 nautical miles before dropping the hook in...
Trim Design Turnbuckle
Big ships had bulwarks, hip-high extensions of the topsides to prevent the crew from falling or being swept overboard. Yachts had nothing; maybe a...