Offshore Log: Full-Service Caribbean Chandlery
If you are a sailor living in the US, you don't know how spoiled you are when it comes to finding bits and pieces...
Offshore Log: The Bottom Line
When Calypso was hauled at New England Boatworks last September for bottom painting, we decided to switch from Micron CSC Extra to Pettit ACP-50...
Raytheon Still Top LCD Radar
Early radar antennas needed large, open radiator arrays with correspondingly large motors to turn them. These evolved into compact, enclosed antennas that weigh as...
Offshore Log: Shurflo Pump Lacks Oomph
Our Shurflo pump has been a disappointment. At the time we installed it, it was the highest-capacity pump of its style available, and smaller...
Offshore Log: Anchor Shackle Warning
After six months of daily use, we were surprised to discover that the shackle pin on the high-tensile galvanized shackle connecting our anchor chain...
Offshore Log:South to Trinidad – A Different Kind of Paradise
In June, Calypso made her way south from Grenada to Trinidad, wrapping up more than six months of cruising in the brilliantly clear, wind-swept...
Barometers: Altitude and Speedtech Tops for Forecasting
It takes very little skill or technology to know that youre in the midst of a storm. It takes considerably more to know that...
Coleman 1000: First of the Truly Portable Generators
Portable power-is it just what you need for extra AC power and battery charging needs, and, if so, what size generator do you really...
A Better Chain Grabber
Like most long-range cruising boats, Calypso is anchored on an all-chain rode. Deep water, windy anchorages and uncertain bottom conditions-including rope-eating coral heads-make chain...
Offshore Log: A Caribbean-built Wind Generator
For the serious cruiser, efficient power generation ranks right up there with an abundant supply of fresh water; without it, life is a real...