Safety & Seamanship

Raytheon Dominates RadarTesting; JRC 1500 Is A Best Buy

Small-boat radar has advanced considerably over the past few years. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have gone from being a poor compromise to the standard...

Offshore Log: Painless Stainless

We are sometimes a little slow getting around to finishing things, but most jobs do eventually get completed. Several jobs that have been on...

Offshore Log:More (Shore) Power To The People

Like most projects, our recent installation of a 240/120-volt stepdown isolation transformer turned into more of a task than we originally envisioned.Our transformer installation...

3-Brand Inflatable PFD Evaluation

After years of debate over their reliability, the Coast Guard this year finally approved the first automatically inflating PFDs. That’s good news because the...

Offshore Log:More (Shore) Power To The People

Like most projects, our recent installation of a 240/120-volt stepdown isolation transformer turned into more of a task than we originally envisioned.Our transformer installation...

Looking for the Perfect Inflatable Pump

The time it takes to fill an inflatable with air to the proper pressure is a function not only of the size of the...

Quicksilver QS-230 Airfloor Inflatable

In late 1996, Quicksilver (the parts and accessories arm of Mercury Marine) came out with a new line of air-floor inflatables. We missed testing...

Johnson & Johnson and Orion Our Picks Among Marine Medical Kits

When we conduct used-boat inspections we look everywhere, including inside medicine cabinets. Especially on boats that are more than five years old, we are...

Offshore Log: Re-inventing the Wheel

Calypso was designed and built to be steered by a tiller. With her double-ended hull form and big outboard rudder, fitting a wheel system...

Offshore Log: Bermuda-bound Trial by Water

We never seem to do things the easy way. In late November, Calypso left New England once again, this time bound first to Bermuda,...

Which Batteries Would I Buy TODAY for my SAILBOAT?

What is the best battery for a sailboat? What is the problem with lithium batteries on boats? Is AGM or lithium better for a...

Latest Sailboat Review

Beneteau 40.7 Used Boat Review

Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...