Raytheon Dominates RadarTesting; JRC 1500 Is A Best Buy
Small-boat radar has advanced considerably over the past few years. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have gone from being a poor compromise to the standard...
Offshore Log: Painless Stainless
We are sometimes a little slow getting around to finishing things, but most jobs do eventually get completed. Several jobs that have been on...
Offshore Log:More (Shore) Power To The People
Like most projects, our recent installation of a 240/120-volt stepdown isolation transformer turned into more of a task than we originally envisioned.Our transformer installation...
3-Brand Inflatable PFD Evaluation
After years of debate over their reliability, the Coast Guard this year finally approved the first automatically inflating PFDs. That’s good news because the...
Offshore Log:More (Shore) Power To The People
Like most projects, our recent installation of a 240/120-volt stepdown isolation transformer turned into more of a task than we originally envisioned.Our transformer installation...
Looking for the Perfect Inflatable Pump
The time it takes to fill an inflatable with air to the proper pressure is a function not only of the size of the...
Quicksilver QS-230 Airfloor Inflatable
In late 1996, Quicksilver (the parts and accessories arm of Mercury Marine) came out with a new line of air-floor inflatables. We missed testing...
Johnson & Johnson and Orion Our Picks Among Marine Medical Kits
When we conduct used-boat inspections we look everywhere, including inside medicine cabinets. Especially on boats that are more than five years old, we are...
Offshore Log: Re-inventing the Wheel
Calypso was designed and built to be steered by a tiller. With her double-ended hull form and big outboard rudder, fitting a wheel system...
Offshore Log: Bermuda-bound Trial by Water
We never seem to do things the easy way. In late November, Calypso left New England once again, this time bound first to Bermuda,...