The Yeoman Alternative
Over the past few years, we've done a lot of reporting on chart plotters and navigation software—some pretty amazing stuff that gets only...
Dry Boxes
The marine environment, with its salt spray, wind, waves and rain, can be a tough place for even the most rugged equipment. More delicate...
Choose Your Own Seductions
Here's a letter and response we were going to run in Mailport this month, but we'll run it in this space instead: ----------As I...
Offshore Log: More of the Best
For those who have been absent in the last couple of months—and we hope you were out in a boat—Nick Nicholson and Maryann Mecray...
Offshore Log: The Best of the Best
Quality usually comes at a price. As in most aspects of life, if you pay less, you get less when it comes to buying...
Offshore Log: Return to the Tropics
Surely by the time we reached the tropics, Olga would be history... But as we worked southwest, then turned almost due west a few...
Navigation Software
A couple of years ago, rating navigation programs was much easier than it is today. We were able to downrate programs that were unable...
Off-the-Shelf Medical Kits
Included in the Coastal Cruising Kit is a reference guide entitled First Aid by the Numbers. It contains a Table of Contents, an...
Navigation Lights: Hella and Aqua Signal Shine Brightest
We had noted that the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), in their specs for the Intensity/Nominal Voltage Test for nav lights, ...
Offshore Log: Signs of the Times
It was strange to be back into the Atlantic Ocean after a three-year absence. Looking west, we felt that if we squinted really hard,...