Offshore Log: More Kiwi Companies
If you live in the US, you've probably never heard of Manson anchors. But for most sailors in New Zealand, Australia, and the rest...
Restoring Decks: Nonskid Options
There comes a time in the life of every fiberglass boat when the molded nonskid pattern on the deck wears thin. Foot traffic as...
Life Rafts
It's been only a couple of years since our exhaustive series of life raft reviews ("Life Rafts: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"...
Offshore Log: Made In New Zealand
New Zealand may be a small island nation on the far side of the world, but that little nation is having an impact on...
Weems & Plath GPS Plotter
We regularly point out that chart plotters, GPS receivers, and navigation software should be thought of as supplements to—and not replacements for—paper charts, even...
Offshore Log: Anatomy of a Machine
An Americas Cup yacht is 80 feet of pure performance. Fragile and unforgiving, they are designed to be sailed by professional crews in reasonably...
Offshore Log: America’s Cup Technology
From the preamble to the America's Cup Class Rule, the set of rules governing the design and construction of the boats used in the...
Type IV Throwable PFDs
This spring and summer there were a number of well-publicized incidents of people falling off boats and having to be recovered by the crew....
Electronic Charting Evolution
The following report was written by RonDoescher, of Westford, MA. It started as a letter to Mailport, and turned into a very interesting...
Offshore Log: The Real Cost of Cruising
We are frequently asked how much it costs to go cruising. The answer is that it costs whatever you're willing to spend. We know...