Review: Rescue Laser Flare
by Douglas S. RitterThe brilliant light from a laser would seem to be a natural for distress signaling, but it's only recently that a...
Offshore Log:More Gear for the New Year
It's hard to believe that when we took off around the world just seven years ago, Calypso was one of the few sailboats of...
Offshore Log:More Gear for the New Year
It's hard to believe that when we took off around the world just seven years ago, Calypso was one of the few sailboats of...
Offshore Log:New Gear for the New Year
This is the time of year when sailors in the frozen north plan their winter projects and think of next summer, with perhaps one...
Offshore Log:New Gear for the New Year
This is the time of year when sailors in the frozen north plan their winter projects and think of next summer, with perhaps one...
Personal Locator Beacons
]by Doug Ritter
The advantages of 406 MHz distress alerting over 121.5 MHz are significant and they are a proven lifesaver. The 121.5 MHz EPIRB...
Offshore Log: Still In Class
by Nick NicholsonIt's not unusual for a Practical Sailor article to generate a fair amount of reader response. This is particularly true when we...
Chartplotter-Sounder Conversions
There's a new breed of depthsounder that will allow your existing chartplotter or radar display to multi-task. The new technology allows those with limited...
Walker Bay RIDs
Back in the September 2001 issue, Practical Sailor reviewed, in the Chandlery section, the Walker Bay 8 and Walker Bay 10 dinghies. We...
Offshore Log: The Volvo Open 70
by Nick NicholsonPS editor at large Nick Nicholson is part of the Rule Management Group for the Volvo Ocean Race. In this article, he...