Chandler said McMurdo plans to include Ritter in its testing. "We welcome his input. We want to come up with an actual solution to...
Headings: Navigation, Then and Now
The year 1979 was my first in offshore racing, but it was also the tail-end of an era. Except for races such as Marion-Bermuda,...
Fee-Based Weather Forecasts
In years gone by, sailors going offshore would watch the barometer and keep a weather eye. Nowadays, there's plenty of weather information available, on...
Computer Charting Software Update
Technology has a way of maturing, but in the case of computer software, this maturation process can be amazingly swift. A few years...
Headings: Get a GRIB on the Weather
Sailors are preoccupied with weather. It controls when we sail and where we sail. It influences our anxiety level. Access to weather information is...
Airdeck Rollup Boats
So, you need a blow-up boat to use as a tender for people and gear between shore and anchor, or for checking out the...
Garmin Rino 110 and 120
Merging more than one function into a single piece of electronics is a big trend now, and Garmin is seizing the day with its...
Headings: State of the Art
by Nick NicholsonSome 45 years after the introduction of the mass-produced fiberglass sailboat, a large percentage of the boats built today would be instantly...
Sailor’s Knives: 18 Blades Tested
There can be no overstating the importance of a good knife to a sailor. It does everything from routine maintenance to saving life and...
On The Edge
In our review of knives this month, we didn't have space to talk much about how important they are aboard a boat. They're vastly...