The Importance of Sea State in Weather Planning
We all want a crystal ball that tells us exactly what we will be in for during a passage, however long or short it...
Rethinking MOB Prevention
Man overboard gear standards are behind the times because the sample size is tiny and the facts surrounding an accident are often clouded and...
The Pros and Cons of Cockpit Foot Braces
The sensation that you are about to slide to leeward is familiar to most small-boat sailors. But that slip-sliding-away feeling isn’t reserved to small...
Identifying Fishing Vessels and Right of Way
One of the most common right-of-way situations that a sailing boat will encounter will involve fishing boats, so it is important to be aware...
Collision Avoidance Confusion
The Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs) cover the rules of navigation and lights and shapes that sailors...
Gearing Up for Hurricane Season
My old home island of Guam got whacked by a Supertyphoon Mawar on Wednesday. Power is still out, so still no word from friends....
PS Advisor: Complacency and the Experienced Sailor
The past few years have made it clear that age and experience doesn’t necessarily translate into safety on the water. In fact, a number...
Rhumb Lines: Eight Bells for Charley Morgan
Legendary sailor and yacht designer Charley Morgan passed away on January 6, 2023. He was 93 years old. Outspoken, self-assured, indefatigable, Charley was all...
Rhumb Lines: Seamanship, Not Size, Is What Counts
Years ago, one of my first assignments as a sailing editor was to join the famous sailor and yacht designer Steve Dashew and his...
Rhumb Lines: The Saddest Story I Ever Heard
The familiar opening sentence to Ford Madox Ford’s classic “The Good Soldier” in the headline above could easily apply to “The Boy Who Fell...