A Smart, Easy Way to Rewire
Running the wires for new electronics requires your best cursing vocabulary, lots of sweat, twisting body contortions, luck, and the occasional bandage. For tips...
Wi-Fi Booster Versus 4G Cell Data
Fast, reliable broadband connectivity is often taken for granted ashore. But once youre out on the water, the digital domain can go downhill fast...
Cracking the Leeway Code
Performance-oriented sailors recognize that leeway is one of the last variables left to be accurately quantified. It can be defined as a sailboats movement...
App Makes Boat Managing Easier
When it comes to maintaining a boat, the devil is in the details, but where the devil are those spare fuel filters, and how...
The 3-in-1 Antenna
With all the must-have, electronic doodads most cruising sailors desire these days-from VHF radios to AIS transceivers-finding places onboard to mount all of the...
In the Perfect Position to Fail
For centuries, navigators have been coping with two key variables that convey major consequence. The first is the quest for an accurate position fix,...
USCG Now Allows Digital Instead of Print Charts
Heralding in a new era for electronic navigation, the U.S. Coast Guard recently published guidance that allows mariners to satisfy chart-carriage requirements using electronic...
Long-term Test Gear Updates
Many of Practical Sailors tests move from the lab (workshop/garage/driveway) to our fleet of test boats, where we can evaluate the top products in...
Sonar that Sees Whats Ahead
Most depthfinders are historical instruments. They collect and display information from the recent past-not the best arrangement for the sailor. By the time the...
Signal K and the Sailboat
For nearly 50 years, our boats electronics systems have operated according to standards developed through the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA). Today, our onboard...