Marine Electronics

Antenna Gain and VHF Transmission Range

Recreational marine VHF antennas are usually broken down into three categories: 3- and 4-foot sailboat antennas (3dB gain), 8-foot powerboat antennas (6 dB gain)...

Heat-Seal Connectors

A typical cruising boat has thousands of electrical connections. The consequence of failure range from a light that doesn't work to a fire that...

Mailport: Low Budget Navigation

Low Budget Navigation Regarding the article on recycling gear for cruising in the September 2018 issue, I found that an old Windows laptop, with an...

Internet of Things Goes to Sea

Version 1.0.0 of Signal K, the Open Marine Data Standard has now been released, giving developers a stable platform to test and develop new...

Testing the B&G Zeus3 Nav System

Multifunction display manufacturers have pushed their products through a dramatic evolution in the last five years as they try to keep pace with technology...

Mailport: EPIRB Battery Shocker

Folding KayaksRegarding your recent report Kayaks for Cruisers, (see PS November 2017): Kayak enthusiasts have long admired the 17-foot durable folding kayaks made by...

Blue Seas New Smart Charger

Keeping batteries fully charged is a science that cruisers have to master sooner or later. If todays high-capacity AGM batteries arent managed properly, valuable...

Best Battery Monitor Test Update

Back in our October 2016 issue we looked at eight battery monitors and compared features, installation needs and overall usability. Unfortunately, we overlooked the...

12-volt Battery Gauge Testing

Our test gear comprised a ProMariner ProNautic 12-40P battery charger; West Marine-branded, flooded-cell, deep-cycle battery with a 75-amp hour rating; and two 120-volt, 70-watt...

Riding the Wireless Technology Wave

A number of the electronic devices that we tested are wireless products that interface with smart phones and tablet computers. Many of these products...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...