Electronic Charting Evolution
The following report was written by RonDoescher, of Westford, MA. It started as a letter to Mailport, and turned into a very interesting...
Hand-Bearing Compasses
Aboard ships and boats, compasses with which to take bearings by hand have always been central to the navigator's toolkit. You can get by...
Navigation Software Update
It seems that every time we look around, someone has introduced a new charting/navigation program for laptop computers. While they all do essentially the...
Handheld Weather Stations
Walk down most marina docks at the start of a sailing weekend, and it's a good bet that you'll hear (in addition to the...
Night Vision
This is our third report on the growing assortment of night scopes marketed for the serious boater, and this is the third time the...
Communications Options
As much as sailors like to get away from it all, there's never been a time when we haven't wished at least for the...
The Yeoman Alternative
Over the past few years, we've done a lot of reporting on chart plotters and navigation software—some pretty amazing stuff that gets only...
Handheld VHF Radios: Standard Horizon, Icom Dominate
Handheld VHF radios appear to be one of the few areas in the marine electronics market that shows continuous change and improvement. Most models...
Choose Your Own Seductions
Here's a letter and response we were going to run in Mailport this month, but we'll run it in this space instead: ----------As I...
To See and Be Seen
The subject of radar reflectors around yacht club bars is usually dominated by an almost infinite variety of anecdotal tales, most of which have...