Apps and Computer Programs

The Custom Marine Computer

Other choices for the average user include Apple Macintosh computers and Linux-based computers. The small, user-friendly Mac Mini is an obvious choice for a...

Chandlery: 04/15/04

Suunto M9 Wristop ComputerIn the trend towards miniaturization in electronics, there's a fine line between true utility and whiz-bang cleverness for its own sake....

Sailing Simulator Software

A lot has changed in computer technology since this publication last reviewed the sailing simulators available for home PCs, in the July 15, 1996...

As the World Turns

We received a couple of letters this month from people who had trouble setting the tide functions on their Casio SPF-40 watches. One...

Chandlery: 02/15/03

PDA/GPS/Charting PackageFor quite a while now, we've been testing and reviewing a spectrum of devices that use electronics to help with your navigation. These...

Navigation Software Update

It seems that every time we look around, someone has introduced a new charting/navigation program for laptop computers. While they all do essentially the...

Choose Your Own Seductions

Here's a letter and response we were going to run in Mailport this month, but we'll run it in this space instead: ----------As I...

Website Shopping at the Big Four

As a marketplace, the Worldwide Web promises new convenience—linking consumers to a limitless supply of goods that can be had with the speed of...

Marine Electronics:Garmin 48 Tops in Handheld GPS

As it is with notebook computers, GPS receivers continue to evolve into faster, smaller and more powerful devices. Our latest crop of test models...

Marine Electronics:Garmin 48 Tops in Handheld GPS

As it is with notebook computers, GPS receivers continue to evolve into faster, smaller and more powerful devices. Our latest crop of test models...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...