PS Advisor: Grounding and bonding
A client sent me an excerpt from your eBook “Marine Electrical Systems,” and I was a surprised to see the following line of thought.
Mailport: Fuel Additives
Fuel Additives in Europe
It was interesting to read your fuel additive tests (see “Are Copper, Zinc, and Brass Mucking Up Our Fuel?, PS December...
Simple Tricks for When You’re Going Aloft
Early summer is about the time we notice that something needs our attention at the top of the mast—an antennae connection, faulty mast light,...
Mailport: Hull Waxing, Sea Anchors, Solent Stays
Waxing Before Storing
In the Caribbean, it is common practice to wax a boat before lay-up for hurricane season, then again after returning to the...
Return to Sailing in the Midst of COVID-19
COVID-19 is going to drag out. A vaccine and significant herd immunity are both more than a year away. We’ll flatten the curve and...
Mailport: Bird Repellants, Bilge Switches, Mini-Scuba
Alphabetical Boat Reviews?
What happened to your alphabetized boat reviews? I’m looking for a boat and can’t find the review I was looking at before....
COVID-19 Requires Sanitation Caution
Although many of our usual measures we take to keep our crew healthy are sufficient to prevent the COVID-19 from spreading, extra caution is...
Mailport: Boat Insurance, Respirator and Mask Safety, Dry Suits, Riv-Nuts
Insurance Stuff
Regarding your April insurance article, when I got my BoatUS/Geico renewal, I spotted an optional coverage that they referred to as a partial...
Snubber Diameter for Larger Sailboats
We recently had a letter from Teun and Chantal Bos, who were trying to determine what diameter anchor snubber to use. Practical Sailor did...
Mailport: April 2020
Alphabetical Boat Reviews?
What happened to your alphabetized boat reviews. I’m looking for a boat and can’t find the review I was looking at before....