Mailport & PS Advisor

Mailport: 02/01/03

More on RefrigerationI read Mr. Marchand's comments about refrigeration systems with some interest.I am not an expert in marine refrigerations systems, but I...

PS Advisor: 01/15/03

Aluminum-Stainless CorrosionI have a problem with my pedestal steering mount. I have to move the instrument-mounting arms. I removed the securing screws, but the...

Mailport: 01/15/03

Looser Lifeline DebateRalph Alter's letter in favor of keeping lifelines looser rather than tighter (Mailport, November 1, 2002) offered a challenge: "Let the arguments...

PS Advisor: 01/01/03

Varnish Over Treatment?I'm looking at buying a used boat - an Alerion Express - that currently has Cetol on its exterior woodwork. I greatly...

Mailport: 01/01/03

Air Head Follow-UpRegarding your article on composting toilets I have some comments and clarifications regarding the Air Head Dry Toilet. The article says:...

PS Advisor: 12/02

Performance EquationsAlthough I've been a sailor for many years, there are still many sailingrelated matters (as well as non-sailing related!) of which I am...

Mailport: 12/02

Battery Pack WorkaroundThe exchange of letters in the October 1 Mailport regarding the price of replacement battery packs brings up a good point, not...

PS Advisor: 11/15/02

Leaving-the-Boat Checklist I am in need of a checklist as to routine maintenance when leaving a boat on a mooring ball such as close...

Mailport: 11/15/02

More Cockpit Table IdeasRegarding Randy Hasness' request for a tiller-compatible cockpit table I saw an excellent solution described at Bo'sun Supplies' website.They suggest...

PS Advisor: 11/01/02

Rope Lifelines In your September issue, Nick Nicholson discusses the merits of bare wire lifelines and makes some very good points.He also speaks...

HOW TO BUY A CHEAP SAILBOAT – $20,000 or less!

Buying a sailboat on a budget of $20,000 is easy! Today we’re looking at a Pearson 31, a Hunter 31, a Bristol 29.9, and...

Latest Sailboat Review

Catalina 34 Used Boat Review

American sailboat manufacturers have had their highs and lows, and many have dropped right off the map. But Catalina has been going strong for...