Mailport: 02/01/03
More on RefrigerationI read Mr. Marchand's comments about refrigeration systems with some interest.I am not an expert in marine refrigerations systems, but I...
PS Advisor: 01/15/03
Aluminum-Stainless CorrosionI have a problem with my pedestal steering mount. I have to move the instrument-mounting arms. I removed the securing screws, but the...
Mailport: 01/15/03
Looser Lifeline DebateRalph Alter's letter in favor of keeping lifelines looser rather than tighter (Mailport, November 1, 2002) offered a challenge: "Let the arguments...
PS Advisor: 01/01/03
Varnish Over Treatment?I'm looking at buying a used boat - an Alerion Express - that currently has Cetol on its exterior woodwork. I greatly...
Mailport: 01/01/03
Air Head Follow-UpRegarding your article on composting toilets I have some comments and clarifications regarding the Air Head Dry Toilet. The article says:...
PS Advisor: 12/02
Performance EquationsAlthough I've been a sailor for many years, there are still many sailingrelated matters (as well as non-sailing related!) of which I am...
Mailport: 12/02
Battery Pack WorkaroundThe exchange of letters in the October 1 Mailport regarding the price of replacement battery packs brings up a good point, not...
PS Advisor: 11/15/02
Leaving-the-Boat Checklist I am in need of a checklist as to routine maintenance when leaving a boat on a mooring ball such as close...
Mailport: 11/15/02
More Cockpit Table IdeasRegarding Randy Hasness' request for a tiller-compatible cockpit table I saw an excellent solution described at Bo'sun Supplies' website.They suggest...
PS Advisor: 11/01/02
Rope Lifelines In your September issue, Nick Nicholson discusses the merits of bare wire lifelines and makes some very good points.He also speaks...