Mailport & PS Advisor

The Orion 357 Electric Flare After 1 Year

In our report on the new electronic visual distress signalling devices (eVDSD) we mentioned in passing that a U.S. Coast Guard approved eVDSD might...

Mailport: January 2022

GORILLA GLUE AND UV Regarding your report on repairing damaged core panels, “Can Glue Injection Fix Rotten Core?” The problem I have found is that...

Playing the Wind Shifts for Fun or Sport

When high-pressure dominates, it is normal for the wind direction to oscillate 15-20 degrees every 5-20 minutes. In theory, hitting the shifts correctly will...

Mailport: December 2021

IN PRAISE OF KOVER KLAMPS Thanks for this great article on winter covers (see Inside PS blog, “What to Look for in a Winter Cover”),...
Straightening 1-inch pipe threads using a General Tools thread restoring file. To use the file, align the file with threads, and work from good threads outwards, so that several of the rows of teeth are always engaged with good threads. Use moderate pressure; enough to keep the file from skipping, but not enough to cut deeply into the pipe or bolt. Take your time. Clean with wire brush when finished.

File Away Your Pipe Thread Problems

Thread restoring files cannot restore stripped or severely corroded threads, but they can work wonders on threads that have been distorted by impact, clogged...

Quick Tips for Cleaning Up Spilled Epoxy

Everybody has spills, and just a tiny splatter of epoxy can make a mess of an otherwise flawless job. Never fear, there are some...

Mailport: October 2021

PAEAN TO A NESTING DINGHY Your recent Inside Practical Sailor blog post “The Great Dinghy Debate” about hard versus inflatables interested me and I thought...

The Many Tales a Stanchion Can Tell

This month’s article on Dyneema lifelines sent us diving into the archives for advice on our own little lifeline project. We didn’t have to...

Mailport: September 2021

MULTIHULL MADNESS Regarding your report on the rising popularity of multihulls (see PS March 2017, “Multihull Madness”), when the wind speed doubles, the force and...

Tips on Rolling and Tipping with Awlgrip

Boat restorer and broker Glen Simmons took time out from painting a 2004 Catalina 36 to share some tips with PS. Simmons has perfected...

$650,000 Yacht Tour : Hanse 460 – This Luxury Cruising Sailboat...

In the $500,000+ cruising sailboat market, the competition for world traveling sailboats is full of exceptional sailing yachts like the Catalina 445, the Amel...

Latest Sailboat Review

MacGregor 26M Used Boat Review

MacGregor 26 has been a staple in the trailerable sailboat market for decades, and company literature claimed more than 7,000 of the original model...