VHFs for Hearing Challenged
Like an increasing number of senior sailors, I require hearing aids to effectively communicate. However, in the cockpit of a sailboat-with the wind blowing...
Mailport: August 2014
In regard to your December 2013 Chandlery article on the Vesper SP160 VHF splitter. After too many near misses with merchant ships, we installed...
Where Credit Is Due: August 2014
The bolt in the handle on my Shurhold buffing machine vibrated out and fell overboard in 16 feet of water-most likely because I had...
Winterizing an Outboard
For winterizing a small outboard engine, is it best to run the gas out of the engine or store it full with an additive...
Mailport: July 2014
In regard to your May 2014 article on cruising guides: I am the publisher of Atlantic Cruising Clubs Guides to Marinas. I was surprised...
Steer Clear of Flex-Able-brand Expandable Hose
We were paging through our emails filtered spam folder last summer to make sure we didnt miss anything and came across an ad for...
Vertical LPG Storage Tanks
My 1979 Tayana Vancouver 42 came with two horizontal propane tanks and one vertical propane tank (all three 20-pound aluminum) when I bought the...
Mailport: June 2014
About five years ago, I dropped my mast for the first time, and while it was down, I installed a Garmin GWS10 (see PS...
Find More PS Online
Practical Sailor is working on updating some used boat reviews and adding some new ones to our online library, and we need your help....
Mailport: May 2014
I read with interest the Mailport letter (PS, April 2014) about combatting onboard toilet odors with a homemade solution of Calgon, water, and detergent,...