Mailport & PS Advisor

Bulletproof Companionways

The used boat review of the Tartan 37 in the January 2015 issue mentioned that several companies specialize in producing bullet-proof companionway door arrangements...

Where Can I Find a Boats Stability Curve?

The article Dissecting the Art of Staying Upright (see PS June 2015 online) was very timely for me, but I am struggling with how...

Mailport: September 2015

In response to your October 2014 Chandlery on Awlgrips Awlwood Varnish: I brushed on Awlwood four years ago, and it still looks pretty good.The...

EVO-1 Autopilot Test Update

After three separate three-month cruises-on a Niagara 35 in the Great Lakes and a Gulfstar 36 in Florida-we have found no problems with the...

Anchor Chain and Shackles

Ive been studying your recent articles on chain and galvanizing (see PS June 2014 and January 2015 online), as I am about to replace...

Mailport: August 2015

As requested in your July 2015 article, Keeping Water Clean and Fresh, we are suggesting an evaluation of the two-part liquid Pristine ( and...

Finishing the Cabin Sole

Im in the process of installing new teak and holly veneer in the interior of my boat. I have the old floor out and...

Mailport: July 2015

Regarding the review of womens foul-weather gear in the March 2015 issue: First, huge kudos to Gill. I purchased their OS2-equivalent jacket and pants...

Whats the Voltage for Charging Gel Cells?

I just received the latest Waypoints e-letter about gel batteries, where you state they must be charged at no more than about 14.1 volts....

Mailport: June 2015

Bottom PaintI just read your latest review on bottom paints (see PS, April 2015 online). It was a real head-scratcher to us. We just...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...