Bulletproof Companionways
The used boat review of the Tartan 37 in the January 2015 issue mentioned that several companies specialize in producing bullet-proof companionway door arrangements...
Where Can I Find a Boats Stability Curve?
The article Dissecting the Art of Staying Upright (see PS June 2015 online) was very timely for me, but I am struggling with how...
Mailport: September 2015
In response to your October 2014 Chandlery on Awlgrips Awlwood Varnish: I brushed on Awlwood four years ago, and it still looks pretty good.The...
EVO-1 Autopilot Test Update
After three separate three-month cruises-on a Niagara 35 in the Great Lakes and a Gulfstar 36 in Florida-we have found no problems with the...
Anchor Chain and Shackles
Ive been studying your recent articles on chain and galvanizing (see PS June 2014 and January 2015 online), as I am about to replace...
Mailport: August 2015
As requested in your July 2015 article, Keeping Water Clean and Fresh, we are suggesting an evaluation of the two-part liquid Pristine (www.pristine.ca) and...
Finishing the Cabin Sole
Im in the process of installing new teak and holly veneer in the interior of my boat. I have the old floor out and...
Mailport: July 2015
Regarding the review of womens foul-weather gear in the March 2015 issue: First, huge kudos to Gill. I purchased their OS2-equivalent jacket and pants...
Whats the Voltage for Charging Gel Cells?
I just received the latest Waypoints e-letter about gel batteries, where you state they must be charged at no more than about 14.1 volts....
Mailport: June 2015
Bottom PaintI just read your latest review on bottom paints (see PS, April 2015 online). It was a real head-scratcher to us. We just...