Mailport & PS Advisor

PS Advisor: Combatting Mildew on a Moored Boat

In your recent report “Understanding Dew Point to Prevent Mildew,” (see Inside Practical Sailor blog) there is the comment, “curiously, the best way to...

Mailport: Tillers, bilge pumps, and lazy jacks

REDUCING CHAIN TWIST With regards to responses to your Inside PS blog post on chain twist “How Well Do Swivels Reduce Chain Twist?” as with...

PS Advisor: Using Acids to Clean Propellers

We recently received a letter from a reader asking us which acids might be used to clean a bronze propeller. Although we’ve found it...

Mailport: Tillers, bilge pumps, and lazy jacks

TILLERS VS. WHEEL I sailed a Yankee 30 for 10 years — tiller steering — and recently moved up to a “big sister” of the...

PS Advisor: Complacency and the Experienced Sailor

The past few years have made it clear that age and experience doesn’t necessarily translate into safety on the water. In fact, a number...

Mailport: Winch Maintenance, Painting Jib, DIY Mainsail Cover

BLANKET WINCH SERVICE Regarding your blog post “Simple Tips on Servicing Your Sailboat Winches,” I do my winches every two years when the boat is...

PS Advisor: Tacking and Jibing with a Tiller Pilot

In very light winds the tiller pilot will make corrections that are too small and the boat will not turn quickly enough to complete...

Mailport: Charley Morgan, Locker Safety, Fast Bottom Paint

SALUTE TO CHARLEY MORGAN Regarding your memorial to Charley Morgan and his enduring boat designs (see “Eight Bells for Charley Morgan,” PS February 2023), your praise for...

PS Advisor: Staying Safe in Confined Spaces Onboard

Does the locker have a self-locking latch? Would you ever crawl inside? Even with the l id open, the inside of a locker can...

Mailport: Propane Hose Chafe, Multihull Prices, Farrier F33XC

WATCH PROPANE HOSE CHAFE Another boat owner told our owners’ group that he discovered his LPG hose at the stove went almost to the point...

$650,000 Yacht Tour : Hanse 460 – This Luxury Cruising Sailboat...

In the $500,000+ cruising sailboat market, the competition for world traveling sailboats is full of exceptional sailing yachts like the Catalina 445, the Amel...

Latest Sailboat Review

Vancouver 27 Used Boat Review

I was single handed on our Islander Bahama 30 on a spectacular fall afternoon, white caps dancing on the blue waters of Plumper Sound...