Making an Anodized Mast Look Like New
Have you done any research on the best means of cleaning an aluminum mast? Im having other work done to mine and thought it...
Mailport: Anchoring, Harken on Shackles, and More!
AnchoringWith regard to your August 2016 Rhumb Lines editorial, No Drama Anchoring Approach, and the Tandem Anchoring article in the same issue, a couple...
Tips for Preventing Head Clogs
Start with some water in the bowl. It keeps the smell down and helps soften the paper.Extra flushes: If your business plus the required...
Floating Docks and Storm Preparation
With regard to your July 2016 article on storm preparedness and spring lines, what advice is there for storm prep for floating piers? We...
Mailport: Water Lift Muffler, Drogues, Hunter 30, and More!
Water Lift MufflerI read the letter regarding a do-it-yourself (DIY) water-lift muffler project (PS February 2016) with great interest. Many years ago, the original...
Where Credit is Due: Nikon, Beckson Marine, and More!
NikonAbout 20 years ago, I purchased a lovely pair of Nikon binoculars, the 7x50 Ocean Pro (see PS August 2003 online), for my father...
Onboard Amenities
Most of us have low expectations of Velcro type products, especially for onboard uses, so PS testers set out in the April 2016 issue...
Determining a Fuel-efficient Engine RPM
My boat is a Hans Christian 41T, with a waterline length of 36 feet and a displacement of 38,000 pounds. The engine is a...
Mailport: Frontal Strategy, Pressure Cooker Report, and More!
Frontal StrategyIn response to the June 15, 2016 blog post titled Summer Squall Sailing Tactics: From our experience, most localized fronts are marked by...
A Simple DIY Project for Laptop Navigators
Looking for an alternative to installing an on-deck chartplotter? PS reader Bill Boyeson came up with a creative way to use his laptop for...