A Wood Finish for the Efficient Sailor
I have a boat with a good amount of teak. As a lazy-er, efficient! thats the word, efficient-owner I have waited out the previous...
Mailport: Multihull Lover, An Anchor Story, and More!
Multihull LoverRegarding your recent article on the evolution of the cruising multihull (see PS, March 2017): I have owned a 34-foot Chris White-designed trimaran...
Astute Views on the Art of Sailing from around the Globe
Bottom Paint Update?As a (long term and digital) subscriber I find your articles extremely valuable, but most of all the bottom paint evaluations. I...
Eliminating Radio Interference from Fridge Compressors
Im a marine installer and weve come across another boat with a radio-frequency (RF) issue coming from a Frigoboat refrigeration system. The boat started...
Mailport: Which Anchor Shackle?, Cleaning Sails, FRP Boat Lifespan And More!
Photo courtesy of Bob Swayze
Which Anchor Shackle?
I am in the process of having my boatyard install 250 feet of anchor chain and new anchor...
Can Dehumidifiers and Wood Boats Mix?
As I was doing research, I was looking at potentially installing a household Honeywell dehumidifier in a 58-foot wooden boat (vented from outside) while...
Bottom Paints for Freshwater Sailors
I am a relative novice to sailing, and my new-ish boyfriend is thinking about bringing his boat to Lake Superior, Mich. He's one of...
Mailport: Vesper AIS and noise, Helio Shower, & More!
New Mooring PendantIn April of 2010 and 2014, you published articles on two of our products: the Deluxe Mast Buoy (2010) and the soft-sided...
Proper Orientation of an Anchor Shackle
The photo on the bottom of page 9 in PSs October 2016 issue showed the sharp edges of the anchor and a shackle inserted...
Mailport: Epoxy, Anchor Shackles, and More!
Fiberglass BoatsIve been reading PS for over 25 years and have enjoyed every second. Over that time, Ive begun to wonder about the longevity...