Mailport & PS Advisor

A Wood Finish for the Efficient Sailor

I have a boat with a good amount of teak. As a lazy-er­­, efficient! thats the word, efficient-owner I have waited out the previous...

Mailport: Multihull Lover, An Anchor Story, and More!

Multihull LoverRegarding your recent article on the evolution of the cruising multihull (see PS, March 2017): I have owned a 34-foot Chris White-designed trimaran...

Astute Views on the Art of Sailing from around the Globe

Bottom Paint Update?As a (long term and digital) subscriber I find your articles extremely valuable, but most of all the bottom paint evaluations. I...

Eliminating Radio Interference from Fridge Compressors

Im a marine installer and weve come across another boat with a radio-frequency (RF) issue coming from a Frigoboat refrigeration system. The boat started...

Mailport: Which Anchor Shackle?, Cleaning Sails, FRP Boat Lifespan And More!

Photo courtesy of Bob Swayze Which Anchor Shackle? I am in the process of having my boatyard install 250 feet of anchor chain and new anchor...

Can Dehumidifiers and Wood Boats Mix?

As I was doing research, I was looking at potentially installing a household Honeywell dehumidifier in a 58-foot wooden boat (vented from outside) while...

Bottom Paints for Freshwater Sailors

I am a relative novice to sailing, and my new-ish boyfriend is thinking about bringing his boat to Lake Superior, Mich. He's one of...

Mailport: Vesper AIS and noise, Helio Shower, & More!

New Mooring PendantIn April of 2010 and 2014, you published articles on two of our products: the Deluxe Mast Buoy (2010) and the soft-sided...

Proper Orientation of an Anchor Shackle

The photo on the bottom of page 9 in PSs October 2016 issue showed the sharp edges of the anchor and a shackle inserted...

Mailport: Epoxy, Anchor Shackles, and More!

Fiberglass BoatsIve been reading PS for over 25 years and have enjoyed every second. Over that time, Ive begun to wonder about the longevity...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Beneteau 40.7 Used Boat Review

Beneteau began building boats in France in 1884 when Beneteau opened shop for the purpose of constructing trawlers at Croix-de-Vie. Eighty years later, under...