Tools & Gadgets

Finding the Bright Spot: Marine LED Spotlights

A marine spotlight, as opposed to a floodlight or flashlight, must sufficiently illuminate an object at a considerable distance. Clearly seeing navigation aids, mooring...

Where Credit Is Due: August 2013

Water Witch Two years ago, I purchased a Water Witch bilge pump switch. When it developed a glitch, I called Kathleen at Water Witch...

Seeing the Light on Night Vision

A few weeks ago, I found myself in the desert at night and reflected upon how much the wide expanses of sand and rock...

Summer Sailing Gear

Summers warm breezes and lazy weekends have arrived, so PS testers have put together a lineup of cool toys and tools for the dog...

Testers Search for an All-star LED Spotlight

WEST MARINEThe West Marine LED SuperSpot, Model 10926442 ships with the battery removed, and there are no drawings, diagrams, or pictures accompanying the...

Testers Check Beam Patterns and Illumination

Testers in this month's spotlight test evaluated a number of spotlight features. Although some points such as ergonomics involved a small degree of subjectivity,...

Orion Reports on Defective Flare Investigation

In the July 2011 Mailport, Practical Sailor reported that a new Orion handheld flare had malfunctioned during an emergency training course at the Annapolis...

Chandlery: August 2011

The ToolPak retails for $100 and is guaranteed to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for one year.Compared to the last toolbag...

Adjust Your Own Compass

With a little care, boatowners can do a perfectly adequate job of compen­sating their own compasses. The ob­jective in compass adjusting is to neutralize...

Chandlery: June 2011

In our eternal quest to be fouling-free beneath the waterline, we recently picked up a tube of Prop Glop antifoulant for propellers and running...

The UNIQUE Maxus 26 Lifting Keel Trailer Sailor

What is the best trailerable sailboat? One big feature is the mast stepping system. Today we look at trailer sailors like the Catalina 275,...

Latest Sailboat Review

Morgan Out Island 36 Used Boat Review

Most are familiar with Charles Morgan and his Out Island 41, primarily made to cruise and charter in the Bahamas, but not many are...