Offshore Log: In Search of the Magic Finish
Ever since we arrived in the tropics more than three years ago, maintaining Calypso’s vast quantities of varnished teak has been an exercise in...
Wiz Oil Filter Cutter
All too often boat owners keep tabs on the condition of their engines by simply running them: If they start and run smoothly...
Waterline Stain Removers
Of all the stains a fiberglass hull can sustain—rust, oil and blood, for instance—none, at least in our experience, can be as tough to...
Offshore Log: A Crude Problem
A week before we reached Singapore, a tanker ran aground while transiting the strait, dumping 7,000 tons of light crude oil. This oil coated...
DIY Interior Liner Replacement
We have just completed the replacement of the interior lining in our 1983 Prout 37 Snowgoose. Our experience may be of interest to other...
Spring Maintenance:Smith & Co. CEPS and Honey Teak Best Gloss Teak Treatments
A trend in recent years has been the gradual elimination of exterior teak on boats. This is understandable, given the amount of time and...
Spring Maintenance: Antifouling Tests ’99
There are many rites of spring-trees bud, houses are cleaned, young mens fancies turn and boaters get ready for a new season on...
Spring Maintenance:Smith & Co. CEPS and Honey Teak Best Gloss Teak Treatments
A trend in recent years has been the gradual elimination of exterior teak on boats. This is understandable, given the amount of time and...
Spare Parts 11/00
Heavy Weather Avoidance CourseA five-day US Coast Guard-approved Heavy Weather Avoidance (HWA) course will be held at the Sea Education Association (SEA) facility in...
The Happy Hooker and Other Ingenious (de)Vices
Approaching your own mooring or dock always has a nice “home-again” quality. Lines are attached and often rigged to make it easy. It’s usually...