PS Advisor: A Classic Finish for a Classic Boat
I’m the happy owner of a 31-foot sloop, a replica of a 100-year-old wooden Friendship. Her fiberglass hull was laid up in a mold...
Boat Maintenance: 18-month Checkup on Wood Finishes Test
Recommended coatings in the one-part varnish and varnish alternatives categories earned three Good or better ratings at the 18-month checkup, and those in the...
Mailport: January 2011
Could you do a test on anchor swivels? There are two primary manufacturers, Swiss Tech America WASI power ball and Ultra Flip Swivel. Since...
PS Advisor: Can Water Tanks Be Used for Fuel?
We made the embarrassing mistake of putting fuel in one of our water tanks (built-in fiberglass tanks). The silver lining is that we were...
Update on 10 Long-term Practical Sailor Tests
Long-term testing is a tricky proposition. Products that seem good during initial testing can turn sour a few months or uses later. Products that...
Marine Systems: Wire Exposure Test Update
Whether youre upgrading your boats electrical system or simply adding on a new piece of equipment, the question of which wire to use arises....
Mailport: December 2010
I thought the letter in the November 2010 Mailport about how black antifouling paint worked better than other colors was interesting. I have not...
Mailport: November 2010
I’m hurt, and so is my boat Lady Lady. In your review of Rod Johnstone’s J/95 (August 2010), you said it was not your...
Broken Barnacle
The editors at Practical Sailorget a few reports of broken anchors each year. Typically, these are failed fluke welds on Danforth-style designs or bent...
Marine Maintenance: Multi-purpose Cleaners Test
One popular marine catalog dedicates 14 pages in its maintenance section to marine cleaners, polishes, and waxes. Within those pages exist dozens of specialty...