Chandlery: June 2011
In our eternal quest to be fouling-free beneath the waterline, we recently picked up a tube of Prop Glop antifoulant for propellers and running...
PS Advisor: Rotten to the Core
Do you have any suggestions on a book or manual that explains how to replace a cored deck where most of it is soaking...
Laid Teak Decks: Hallmark of Quality
There was a time when laid decks — teak, yellow pine, or fir — were the hallmark of a true yacht. The bare wood...
Design For: A Mug Rack
The modest mug, basic in shape and function, finds its way aboard all but the most elegant or the most rudimentary of vessels, because...
Design For: Accessible Radio Rack
Radios occupy an important place in the contemporary sailing scene, supplying weather reports, time ticks, entertainment, and news. High quality radios are also expensive....
A Better Way to Mount Hardware
Improperly mounted stanchion and pulpit bases are a major cause of gelcoat cracks in the deck radiating from the attached hardware. The cracks are...
Sparkling Brightwork: Careful Attention to the Details
It takes practice to produce a perfect, mirror finish on varnished wood, but it is not so much a difficult task as an exacting...
Design For: Building Your Own Handrails
One of the most used and easily made items of safety gear on boats is the handrail. Rare is the boat which shouldn't have...
Fair Through Hull Fittings: Essential to a Smooth Bottom
"She's not very fast in light air. After all, she's a cruising boat." Are you still using that excuse for the poor light air...
“Good Hope’s” Folding Fiddles
In a rare instance of getting to have your cake and eat it too, this design for folding fiddles affords sturdy permanent fiddles suited...