Around the Americas in a Vega
The story of Matt Rutherfords non-stop solo circumnavigation of the Americas almost did not make it into this magazine. Clearly, this was not for...
Nonskid Test Update
Practical Sailor recently tested a nonskid mat from Soft Deck Inc. as a followup to our January 2012 report on do-it-yourself options for replacing...
Stuck Like Glue
Photos by Ralph Naranjo
Just about every sailboat owner has at some point mixed up a batch of epoxy to fill a hole, glue parts...
Ralph’s Great Adventures in Laminating
Technical Editor Ralph Naranjo equates spare time with boat projects. His basement shop/test facility has spawned a wide range of boats, boards, and parts...
Ralphs Great Adventures in Laminating
Technical Editor Ralph Naranjo equates spare time with boat projects. His basement shop/test facility has spawned a wide range of boats, boards, and parts...
A Copper Alternative?
‘This is a Test’With the M20’s indicator lights telling us the device was working properly, it began making a sound reminiscent of those alarm...
Liggetts Shampoo Soap
After reading PS’s November 2011 report on eco-friendly liquid soaps for onboard bathing, personal-care product maker J.R. Liggett sent us one of his Old-Fashioned...
Liggetts Shampoo Soap
After reading PS’s November 2011 report on eco-friendly liquid soaps for onboard bathing, personal-care product maker J.R. Liggett sent us one of his Old-Fashioned...
Mailport: June 2012
The discussions about the Fastnet incident in the May 2012 issue and the WingNuts deaths in the Mackinac Race (April 2012) both omit to...
US Sailing Investigating California Sailing Deaths
Nine deaths in two separate offshore sailing races originating in California have prompted investigations by US Sailing ( The race tragedies follow last summer’s...